A Resolution for Those Who Don’t Do Resolutions
January 9th, 2025 | John Elliott
It’s that time of year when people are making their New Year’s resolutions.
Maybe you’re that kind of person. Maybe you’re not.
Personally, I have mixed feelings about them.
I like the idea of using the calendar turn as an opportunity to reflect and reset. But I can’t think of a single time I’ve declared a particular “resolution” in January and carried it through all the way to December – so the thought of signing up for another round of guilt and discouragement is not exactly attractive.
Perhaps you can relate.
If so, let me offer what I find to be a more helpful and empowering framework. It comes from Simon Sinek, and I’ve actually written about it before. It’s called “The Infinite Game.”
When you’re playing the infinite game, you’re not focussed on “winning” in a pass/fail, New Year’s resolution kind of way. Instead, you’re focused on two simple things:
Staying in the game
Learning as you go
I like this framework for a few reasons. First, I don’t think people are given enough credit for “not quitting.” Seriously. When things get hard in any area of life, whether it’s your business, marriage, spiritual life, or friendship, it’s so easy to give up. And, of course, there are times when that’s the right thing to do. But in many cases, there is great honor in simply staying in the game, and I believe that should be celebrated as a “win.”
Second, I like the emphasis on learning vs. conquering. The reality is, none of us knows exactly what 2025 will bring. We can make predictions, and some of them may prove correct. But many of them won’t. I’ve had situations where the “resolution” I made in January was not even something I wanted to happen come December. But one thing I can commit to is that whatever comes my way in 2025, I want to learn and grow from it.
So receive this newsletter as an invitation to join me in playing the infinite game in 2025. It may not have the sizzle of a big, bold resolution. But if we can simply “stay in the game” when it comes to our important responsibilities and learn from each step of the journey, that will be a successful year in my book.
I’d you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear your answers to these two questions:
What’s one area you are proud to have “stayed in the game” in 2024?
What’s one thing you learned along the way?
Carry on fellow travelers, we’ll talk soon!